Are You Ready?
RI Emergency Management 401-946-9996
Gas Leak and Gas Emergencies Call 1-800-640-1595 or 911 immediately
For Power Outages and Downed Power Lines, please report outages online or
Call 1-855-RIE(743)-1102
Statewide Emergency Contacts

For Businesses & Residents
REGISTER For Your Community’s Notifications – CodeRED
Register for this rapid emergency notification service called CodeRED®. The system will distribute emergency messages and important information from your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.
By registering (it’s called creating a managed account), you’ll be added to the emergency call list. CLICK HERE to register

Enrolling in the Rhode Island Special Needs Emergency Registry (RISNER) lets police, fire, and other first responders in your community better prepare for and respond to your needs during a hurricane, storm, or other emergency.
Many people may need extra help during a time of emergency, including people who:
- Use life support systems such as oxygen, respirator, ventilator, dialysis, pacemaker, or who have chronic conditions and require treatment (e.g., have diabetes and require insulin);
- Have mobility needs and use a wheelchair, scooter, walker, cane, or other mobility device;
- Are visually impaired, blind, hard of hearing, or Deaf;
- Have speech, cognitive, developmental or behavioral health disabilities; or
- Use assistive animals or a prosthesis.

Rhode Island Emergency Management
Grants & Finance – Planning & Mitigation – RIEMA Cybersecurity – Training & Exercise Preparation for Threats & Hazards
The mission of the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency is to reduce the loss of life and property for the whole community while ensuring that as a state we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all natural, human-caused, and technological hazards.
- Evacuating Before the Hurricane
- Rhode Island Evacuation Maps
- Tips to make a Disaster-Supply Kit
- Home Emergency and Disaster Safety
- Supplies Needed to Weather the Storm (includes checklist)
- Family Disaster Plan
- Securing Your Home or Business
- Enroll in Rhode Island Special Needs Emergency Registry REGISTER Espanol
- How to Stay Informed during a hurricane

Rhode Island Emergency Management Includes a Sign Up to CodeRED so you receive notifications from your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts.
Warwick Emergency Management Agency
Coventry Emergency Management Agency
Think Your Business Is Ready? Try this Business Exercise with your Team

Connected To Sewers? Warwick Sewer Authority
Sewer Authority – Grinder Pumps
WARWICK SEWER AUTHORITY- In anticipation of the potential for power outages during the upcoming storm, the Warwick Sewer Authority is reminding customers with grinder pumps that, if power is lost, the pumps will have limited capacity and those customers should therefore limit water usage. Without power, the grinder pumps will be unable to discharge into the main sewer line.
WSA suggests that grinder pump owners prepare for a power outage by running an inside faucet for about 10 minutes or until the pump starts up. This will evacuate any wastewater stored in the pump and maximize storage capacity.
Continued reduced water usage will allow for use of the plumbing facilities for a longer period of time, hopefully until power can be restored. If there is an extended power outage, the Warwick Sewer Authority will issue additional information.
For sewer emergencies, please contact our on-duty operator at (401) 524-9327.

Our Thanks to the Rhode Island Hospitality Association for Providing the Food Establishment Hurricane Emergency Procedures

Atlantic Hurricane Season June 1 – November 30
Hurricane Humberto as seen from NOAA’s GOES-East satellite on Sept. 15, 2019. (Image credit: NOAA )
Steps Taken Now, Save Lives Later…
- Basics
- In History
- Storm Surge
- Marine Safety
- High Winds
- Tornadoes
- Inland Flooding
- Forecast Process
- Be Prepared For Severe Weather
- Take Action
Have You Been Placed in a Watch or Warning?
Here are some steps you should take…
- Follow local media updates
- Pull together, or check, your emergency supplies
- Store drinking water in clean jugs, bottles, or your bathtub
- Keep copies of important legal and financial records in a water protected area
- Review your family | business disaster plan
- Know When and How to Turn Off Your Utilities
- Charge all your devices
- Fill your car’s gas tank (pumps are electric)
- Get gas for your generator
- Turn the freezer and the refrigerator to the coldest setting, closer to the storm, unless instructed by officials to turn off utilities
- Food establishments should follow RIDOH Power Outage Guidelines
- Food Safety During Power Outages
- On Sewer? Follow the steps below
- Put away, or tie down all loose objects in the yard
- If directed, Evacuate safely
- Emergency Shelters
- Safeguarding Your Boat
- NOAA’s Tips for Boat Owners
- Click & Scroll Down For 10 Steps For Boaters From West Marine
Statewide Emergency Contacts
Barrington 247-1900
Burrillville 568-4440
Bristol 253-6912
Central Falls 727-7444
Charlestown 364-1212
Coventry 821-3456
Cranston 780-2211
Cumberland 333-2500
East Greenwich 886-8632
E Providence 435-7600
Exeter 397-7688
Foster 397-3317
Glocester 568-2533
Hopkinton 377-2100
Jamestown 423-7277
Johnston 231-8100
Lincoln 333-1111
Little Compton 635-2311
Middletown 846-1144
Narragansett 789-1044
Newport 847-2695
No Kingstown 294-3316
No Providence 231-1333
No Smithfield 767-2206
New Shoreham 466-3220
Pawtucket 727-9100
Portsmouth 683-0300
Providence 243-6398
Richmond 539-8289
Smithfield 233-1033
Scituate 647-3000
So Kingstown 783-3321
Tiverton 624-8108
Warren 245-7340
Warwick 738-2000
Westerly 596-2027
W Greenwich 397-3388
West Warwick 822-9267
Woonsocket 766-1212
Links Of Interest
- Hurricane Facts
- Family Preparedness – In Advance of Severe Weather Hazards – Good for all states
- National Hurricane Center
- NOAA– National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Weather Service Hurricane Resources
- Free Resources to Prepare
- Marine Preparedness – Homeowners, Marinas, Boat Owners
- Boating Safety
- If You See Something, Say Something