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Each committee will have multiple board members and may contain Chamber members as well.  The Chair of each committee will be selected by the Executive Committee.  Each committee will have specific projects to work on within a specified time frame.

A. Board Development 

“The Board Development Committee shall consist of two Board Directors and the last three Past Chairs…shall present, prior to August 1, to the Secretary a slate of candidates to serve a one (1) year term. Each candidate must be an active member in good standing and must agree to accept the responsibility of a directorship.” 

B. Events and Opportunities*

  • Identify, develop and assist in the planning of monthly opportunities for members and to attract new members including: Business After Hours | Leads Luncheons | Morning Coffee | Coffee Talk | simplyHR | Lunch & Learn, etc.
  • Acknowledge those individuals and businesses within the community that have exhibited excellence.
  • Identify, develop and assist in the planning of major networking and/or fundraising events for the Chamber. 
    • Movies In The Park
    • Central Rhode Island Chamber Ryder Cup 
    • Just Fore Fun
    • Installation of the Board of Directors | Ambassadors | Young Professional Leadership
    • Winter Fest
  • Identify ways to further promote a healthy workplace and a healthy community.
  • Determine ways to further develop our relationship with the not-for-profits.
  • Identify and promote opportunities for participation within community including community service:          
        – Earth Day Cleanup – Adopt-A-Family – Community Calendar, etc.

C. Facilities*

  • Monitor the ongoing needs of the Chamber facilities and provide recommendations for future development and maintenance.

 D. Finance

E. Government Affairs* 

  • Monitor, track and advocate on behalf of the business community.  Develop programs to provide opportunities for members to participate and/or voice their opinions in regard to state / local issues. 
    • Represent the Central Rhode Island Chamber in the Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce Legislative Coalition on statewide issues 
    • Assist in monitoring, supporting or opposing issues on a local level that will provide a positive climate for the business community.  Assist in developing solutions to proposed ordinances/legislation with an anticipated negative impact, i.e. tax increases, school funding, increased fees/regulations, etc. 

F. Workgroups

  • Affinity – Affinity Program(s) that saves the member money and generates revenue for the Chamber.  Discounts / Free Offers Member-to-Member – not always just the same as you market to the general public.
  • Visibility – Develop and implement ways to get Chamber members visible to their prospective customers/clients outside of the membership but in the course of their everyday life.
    • Social Media – Increase visibility for the Chamber and its members via social media. Create digital campaigns to support the programs and events of the Chamber.
  • Small Business Resources – Collaborate with municipalities, other agencies, and groups that provide services to support small business. Create opportunities for members to access information and support services.

G. Young Professionals

  • Foster and promote opportunities for Young Professionals 
  • Develop new membership and increase retention of existing members
  • Further develop and strengthen the YP teams

Task Force 

  • Business Information Center (BIC)

Committee Guidelines

All committees will be formed at the time a project is determined.  Based on the goals for the year the Executive Committee will determine who the team members are and what outcomes are expected.

All committee recommendations need to be approved by the Executive Committee & if necessary the full Board prior to implementation and being offered publicly.  The Executive Committee shall appoint a Chairman for each committee.

Each committee shall have a Chairman who shall:

  • Coordinate and facilitate the meetings
  • Oversee the determination and implementation of the goals and accomplishments.
  • Appoint an individual to keep notes and attendance from each meeting
  • Ensure a written report is submitted to the staff prior to the Executive Committee Meeting each month.
    The report should contain recommendations and an update on all current projects. (All projects have a $0 [zero] budget and must be self-sufficient…utilizing very little of the staff resources.) Committee Report Format
  • Present a brief report at each Board of Directors meeting

Each committee meeting shall have a staff member or Executive Committee member as a participant.  The Committee Chairmen shall work together to motivate the team and create opportunities for members that further emphasize the Chamber’s mission, goals and philosophy.

The Chairman of each committee shall meet quarterly, or as necessary, to share information and coordinate efforts.

* Designates a joint committee of Board members and Chamber members.